Monday, April 12, 2010

The Birth Plan Curse

This week another one of my "birth plan" patients was admitted to the NICU for a possible infection.  These things don't happen all the time but for a while there, it seemed that the birth plan patients either had complications or their babies got sick.  The following is my opinion and my opinion only.  I'm putting my thoughts in bullet points for better understanding.
  • Couples should keep a wish list of what they want out of their delivery in their head.  I feel that the moment it's put into print, their setting themselves up for disappointment because things hardly go as planned.
  • Couples can share their desires with their nurses and doctors at the moment it's needed, but understand that everything that can be done, will be done to ensure the health and wellbeing of the mother and baby.
I say all this with love and knowledge from experience.  Parents should enjoy the birth of their child instead of being fixated on what should have happened and what did/didn't happen.  Live in the moment!

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