Last weekend, I took a cab home. I had a $20 bill that I specifically saved in order to pay for my cab ride. Upon arriving at my apt, I gave the driver my $20. The fare cost $10.75. When he saw my money, he said he didn't have any change. WTF??? Saturday night before St Patty's day, 10:30pm, and you don't have any change?!?! Well I wasn't about to give this guy a $10 tip so I had to use my credit card which took FOREVER. So, I chose to complain to the city about it.
Here's where it gets interesting....
So I call 311 to complain (I had the cab number on the receipt). I proceed to tell the representative what happened. I was expecting that to be the end of it. I was hoping complaining about a cab meant you call the number, bitch about what happened, they hang up and it's over. No... that is not how it works.
The representative asked me for my name and address. I asked why he needed it. He assured me the cab driver would not be getting this info and that the city needed it to mail me a copy of my complaint to look over before officially submitting it.
Two days later I receive my complaint typed up with an accompanying letter. The letter said that the city of Chicago strives for excellent service and that this complaint is important to ensure that only professional cab drivers are providing said service. The letter also went on to explain that after I submit my complaint, it officially becomes an affidavit that remains on file with the city. So I look at my typed up complaint. My name, my address, my phone number is all over the thing. I did NOT feel comfortable with this. This is serious! I was just pissed the guy didn't have change, I don't need a legal document required for court proceedings with a penalty of perjury to prove it. All that would need to happen is that I say one thing, he says it went down another way and things get all sorts of messed up.
I ended up ripping it up and tossing it. So, here's the take home message. I'm glad there is a way to let the city know about shady cab drivers, however, if you're willing to complain, be sure you are completely sure and ready to deal with whatever may come your way after legally filing such a document.
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