Monday, May 10, 2010


This entry was inspired by my fellow bloggers recent food entries. I love food,  I enjoy cooking food, why not share?
I've been craving this for weeks and finally got around to making it.  It's the perfect warm weather treat.  I'm looking forward to experimenting with different heirloom tomatoes I find at the farmers markets this year. The recipe is SUPER easy and there are a million variations of bruschetta out there but this is the one I used. 

6 roma tomatoes, diced
2 cloves garlic, chopped
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 1/4 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 teaspoon pepper
grated Parmesan cheese

Instead of buying a giant loaf of bread to toast up in the oven (I tend to burn the bread and the fresh bread gets moldy too fast), I bought garlic toast in the bakery section of the grocery store.  They're pre-toasted and pre-garlic flavored so when your tomato mixture is ready, you can throw it on the toast and into the oven.

-Whisk together chopped garlic, vinegar, salt, pepper and basil.  When combined, slowly drizzle in oil.
-Add tomatoes and let sit for 20 min at room temp.
-Place the toast on the cookie sheet, top with tomato mixture.
-Sprinkle cheese on top and bake until the cheese melts.
-Then EAT IT!!
